Yura Krymlov ئاپەکان

22 Energy 1.17
Yura Krymlov
Each person who is interested in his spiritual nature is trying tomore deeply understand himself and his destiny in life. Sometimesthis understanding does not come. This is what the diagnosticmethod helps - the Matrix of Destiny 22 Energy. It is calculated bythe date of birth of the person. This is a square squared with themain lines of destiny, and the energies that are placed in thecorners and inside the matrix are our individual programs. This isan amazing technique that reveals different plans for a person’slife, and most importantly, gives the keys to healing the fate of aperson; disclosure of his talents, energy and material potential;helps to determine and fulfill the purpose; become a harmonious andholistic personality. The technique is based on 22 energies of themajor arcana of the tarot. It is neither numerology nor astrology,although it has much in common with these sciences. If desired, anyperson is able to master this method. Using the "Matrix of Destiny"method, you can find answers to various questions in your life:questions of money, health, relationships, disclosing talent,patrimonial tasks ... The method is based on 22 Energies of theuniverse, which are spread in the Universe and in one or anothercombination act on a person’s life. Depending on whether they actin positive or negative, a person observes positive or negativeresults in his life. There is no such thing that there’s no escapefrom fate ... This method suggests that when we understand the taskthat this or that energy carries, we can easily begin to change ourlife. How to understand whether your relationship with one oranother energy is positive or negative? The answer is simple - youneed to look at the area where it (energy) acts. The descriptioncontains both the decoding of energies in plus and minus, andrecommendations: how and what to do, what to look for in order tostart changing your life in a positive direction. Remember, destinyis not a profession, it has a broader meaning !!! Good luck on thepath of revealing your spiritual nature!
Ekādaśī 3.9
Yura Krymlov
The App calculates Shuddha Ekādaśī potentially for all places inthe world.
22 Energies 3.GURUj5b
Yura Krymlov
Matrix of destiny helps a person become a harmonious and holisticpersonality